Monday, March 2, 2015

What is a true friend? by Cardinal

“What is a true friend?” I asked my mother one evening. 

She looked at me and smiled, and then she said, “Someone who makes you better than you are alone.”

“But what if you can’t be better?”

“That is impossible my dear, now off to bed.” I sighed, a little bit unhappy with my answer.

The next day, I went to school, and during recess asked my best friend what a true friend is. She looked at me, and then smiled.

“Why, the perfect example would be you and me.” I thought about that and smiled. I thought that was a decent answer.

While our friendship wasn't perfect, we still were good friends. Occasionally, we would fight about something, but we would always make up, and laugh about it afterwards. 

That evening, I thought about something. Is a true friend somebody who is always there for you? Or somebody who makes you better than you are alone? Or somebody who cares?

Suddenly, for who knows why, I laughed. All friends should care, and always be there for you. You are always better with friends than you are alone, so that still leaves one question.

Why shouldn't all your friends be true friends?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Friends by Hummingbird

The Sky is foggy
The Sun is no more
Its Raining right now
and its Kind of a Bore.
But friends fixed it up
By dancing in the rain
and dragged me outside
To start a new game.