Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jade Dragon by Hummingbird

Thousands of years ago, in ancient China, a Jade Dragon attacked a village. Growling menacingly, she set the village on fire. She destroyed the village and stayed near the ruins. Days passed, and the area became colder. She decided to leave. After days of flying she came to a small village. She was afraid that the villagers would attack her, so she flew on to find shelter. Instead, she came across a large village, the village of the water dragon. There were many guards. They were scared of her. They started to shoot arrows at her. One hit her in the side. She ripped the arrow out, lighting it on fire. She threw it away. Looking around, she saw the water dragon coming at her. She growled at the water dragon. The water dragon breathed jade fire at her. The Jade Dragon snapping her razor sharp teeth at the water dragon. Suddenly, she sees someone coming. “The wizards,” she gasps. She runs at them. They lift her off the ground and drop her. She falls. Before landing she hovers off of the ground, breathing fire. They deflect it, sending the wave of fire away from them. She flies towards them, landing on one. The wizard panics, sending out a random magic burst. The Jade Dragon is turned to stone.

Never knowing what she did
The End.